

Lenke Automação

LENKE AUTOMACAO INDUSTRIAL LTDA Expositor Mercoagro - Lenke Automação

Rodovia SC 370 Km 168 Cx. Postal 91, 2800 - Lenke Bairro: Pouso Alto CEP: 88.735-000 Gravatal - SC
Fone: (48) 3301-4000
(48) 9997-61978


Lenke Food Systems was established in São Paulo in 1995, working initially with representation of imported equipment for the Brazilian market.
Over the years, Lenke started to develop its own products and established a subsidiary for industrial automation and software development for the meat industry in the city of Tubarão - SC. This is how Lenke Automação was born.
Lenke is specialized in solutions for the food industry, focusing on industrial weighing and software for production management and traceability.
Lenke have highly skilled technicians and consultants who analyze different needs and offer customized solutions.

Products and services

Lenke Food Systems and Lenke Automação are leading companies in providing equipment and solutions for the food industry. Always striving towards excellence, delivering products and services in order to serve customers.