GP2E / Prime
Fone: (51) 4042-2395
(51) 4042-2395
GP2E is the result of the union between Prime Engenharia and Prime Elétric, with the goal of delivering intelligent and disruptive solutions capable of maximizing results with available resources.
With the necessary certifications and authorizations for global operations, our quality mark was solidified in 2023 with the export of engineering to Europe, and we have a strong track record in Latin America.
We offer solutions divided into three stages: Analysis, Design, and Execution, always focused on excellence.
ANALYSIS: With a strategic approach, we map your workflow, problems, and opportunities, creating customized solutions that go beyond your current scenario. We aim to transform challenges into innovation.
DESIGN: We look beyond conventional solutions. We develop agile and effective processes focused on preventing failures and optimizing management, creating new products or mechanisms when necessary.
EXECUTION: With attention to detail and the use of high-quality materials, our specialized team delivers reliable solutions while strictly adhering to technical standards.
We are TurnKey: From analysis to results, we deliver the complete solution. Our commitment is to add value to your investment with cutting-edge technology and engineering tailored to your needs.