

Weco do Brasil LTDA

WECO DO BRASIL LTDA Expositor Mercoagro - Weco do Brasil LTDA

Gustavo Zimmermann, 7055 - 7055 Bairro: Itoupava Central CEP: 89.063-002 Blumenau - SC
Fone: (47) 3337-1411
(47) 9912-48166


With the same tradition maintained for 38 years in the Chemical sector. Weco Belts keeps the same quality standards in the industrial belt segment, always in search of innovations and cutting-edge technologies. Always acquiring satisfaction of our customers!

Products and services

WECO offers highly trained and qualified teams, we also have a mobile workshop. We offer the following services:

- Sale of industrial belts
- Repair and recovery of belts;
- Installation of belts;
- Application of talisks and guides;
- Assistance in new projects, assisting the design of conveyor and transmission belts.