Cleantec Prime Solutions
Fone: (49) 3323-7874
(49) 9891-38907
Cleantec Prime Solutions has been operating in the food safety solutions segment since 1994.
The corporate office is located in the city of Chapecó-SC, with advanced bases in the South, Southeast and Midwest regions, and has been present in the Chilean market for more than 15 years.
In Brazil, it provides solutions in the hygiene process for 45% of poultry production, 30% in the production of pigs, processed products and cattle. The company provides products and solutions for hygiene in the entire production chain, from farms (poultry and pigs), hatcheries, hygiene and industrial disinfection, in addition to all follow-up of the productive and industrial process of the dairy chain.
CLEANTEC, your also developing exclusive processes to meet the demands and needs for the FEED & FOOD lines, seeking innovations and exclusive projects, thus offering high performance products and services, adding:
Food safety in the control and elimination of microorganisms
Profitability / best cost benefit
Compliance with current legislation for both the National and International markets
Less impact (non-aggressive products) in order to preserve industrial structures and the environment
TECPON INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO DE PRODUTOS QUIMICOS LTDA, working in the area of ​​detergents and sanitizers, with highly trained professionals in the constant search for sustainable solutions, reducing environmental impacts and ensuring food safety in its processes and products.
ENGENUTRI, food line dedicated to the development of natural food additives, designed through the extraction of essential oils and blend of organic acids, seeking healthier and more stable foods for consumption.
Feed line with biotechnology products, focused on solutions with biological modulators, AVITRAT, SUITRAT AND BOVITRAT, which act in the elimination of pathogens and other aggressors in the production of BIRDS, SWINE AND CATTLE, improving profitability and productivity, eliminating from ammonia to mastitis in cattle, in addition to improving feed conversion in pigs and poultry.
CLEANTEC counts for all its projects, highly qualified professionals in its functions, having in its technical staff:
Food Engineer
Food Technologist
Chemical Engineer
Industrial chemistry
Production Engineer
All with extensive experience in the activities and processes developed by Cleantec and its partners, ensuring solid technical support for the market and in the continuous search for better results in efficiency and costs, making their projects sustainable, ensuring longevity in business
Products and services
CLEANTEC PRIME SOLUTIONS, offers to the market, solutions focused on the processes of hygiene, Feed & Food, recommending not only the delivery of chemical products, but also a specialized technical support service focused on Food Safety, coupled with the lowest cost with excellence in quality.