
Modern and dynamic, new website gathers all the information about Mercoagro 2020

Modern and dynamic, new website gathers all the information about Mercoagro 2020

Through a modern and dynamic language, the organizing committee of Mercoagro 2020 (International Trade Fair, Processing and Industrialization of Meat) offers to the public of the fair the website, which grows every day in visitations number. On the page, the Internet user is well informed about the fair and the meat market.

The site gathers the program of the event, information about the agribusiness sector and interested parties can register for the technical and scientific events. It is also possible to check the history of the fair, the options of lodging, food, flights and about the city of Chapecó, as well as journalistic information for the press.

Mercoagro project manager Nadir José Cervelin highlights the innovation in the 13th edition, scheduled for September 15-18 next year at the Tancredo Neves Exhibition Park in Chapecó (SC). “We have a new brand, new website and new application. We created a business platform for exhibitors, who will be able to launch the news they will bring to the fair on the site. We want to strengthen the business and strength of Chapecó and all the exhibitors ”.

“Through the site we want to get closer to our audience - both exhibitors and visitors. This is an excellent tool for disseminating information, ”says Cidnei Barozzi, president of Chapecó Commercial and Industrial Association.


By spreading technologies and knowledge and bringing suppliers and consumers closer together, Mercoagro has, over the years, promoted the growth of the sector in several aspects: economically, fostering business, connecting people and companies in a network, increasing the visibility of participating companies, helping to build reputations and still generating international projection.

Mercoagro is held, promoted and organized by ACIC, sponsored by Aurora Alimentos, Unimed Chapecó and Sicredi, partnership of Chapecó City Hall and support from BRDE, Nucleovet, Abrafrigo, Facisc, Unoesc, Embrapa, Sincravesc, Asgav / Eggs RS, Chapecó and Region Convention & Visitors Bureau, ABPA, Sihrbasc, Fiesc, Senai, Sesi, Unochapecó, Sebrae and Safetrading. Marketing is from Enterprise Fairs and Events. The official media is from Agro & Business magazine, Frigonews and Mais Carne.