
Mercoagro 2020 will take place in a scenario of expansion of world meat exports

Mercoagro 2020 will take place in a scenario of expansion of world meat exports

An international environment of increasing exports will guarantee transactions in excess of $ 200 million during the International Meat Business, Processing and Industrialization Fair (Mercoagro 2020), scheduled for September 15-18, 2020, at Tancredo Neves Exhibition Park, in Chapecó (SC).

The business forecast was made by Nadir José Cervelin, general manager of the largest fair in the sector in Latin America and one of the largest technical fairs of the world food industry, with 26 years of uninterrupted biennial editions.

He notes that the outlook for the world meat market is positive. "World population growth ensures high and growing demand for noble proteins." Remember that from 2015 to 2025, the population increase will total 780 million people, reaching 8.1 billion human beings on Planet Earth.

To support his optimism, the leader shows that the per capita consumption of meat (beef, pork and poultry) in the world has reached 41 kg / inhabitant / year. The protein intake of some countries clearly demonstrates the extent and possibilities of this market.

"The emergence of diseases in China's swine plantations led this country to intensify its meat purchases on the world market, leveraging Brazilian exports. There is no doubt that global demand for meat will accelerate by 2025, with sustained annual growth of 1.4% in beef, 1.1% in pork, 1.6% in poultry and 2.0% in sheep. according to Rabobank projections. "

In Cervelin's forecast, this market will be even warmer in September 2020 - during the 13th edition of Mercoagro - stimulating the expansion and construction of new industrial meat processing plants. "This signals excellent sales of machinery and equipment next year," he says.


Mercoagro 2020 will have 205 booths, 350 brands represented, an audience of 20,000 visitors / buyers and a $ 200 million business forecast. The fair is an initiative of the Chapecó Commercial and Industrial Association (ACIC).

The expo will create 3,000 temporary jobs during the period, with injection of $ 15 million in the local and regional economy. It will occupy 15,000 square meters of exhibition park area with all the trends and news that the sector offers. Companies in the refrigeration industry, industrial automation system, ingredients and additives, packaging and casings, transportation and storage, industrial equipment and accessories, engineering projects and specialized consultancies, among other products and services to serve the meat industry will participate in the exhibition.

The countries that will be present as exhibitors or visitors are: Germany, Argentina, Austria, Australia, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Spain, United States, Italy, Ecuador, Belgium, Netherlands, Paraguay, Uruguay, Russia, Canada, China, France and Iceland, among others.

ACIC conducts, promotes and organizes, sponsored by Aurora Alimentos, Unimed Chapecó and Sicredi, a partnership of Chapecó City Hall and support from BRDE, Nucleovet, Abrafrigo, Facisc, Unoesc, Embrapa, Sincravesc, Asgav / Eggs RS, Chapecó and Region Convention & Visitors Bureau, ABPA, Sihrbasc, Fiesc, Senai, Sesi, Unochapecó, Safetrading and Sebrae. Marketing is from Enterprise Fairs and Events.

Registration for the fair is free and available through the official website: