
​Sales advance for Mercoagro 2025

​Sales advance for Mercoagro 2025

Sales advance for Mercoagro 2025

Video of the General coordinator Nadir Cervelin-

The Commercial and Industrial Association of Chapecó (ACIC) announced this week that the sales are open for the next edition of the International Meat Business, Processing and Industrialization Fair (Mercoagro), scheduled from September 9 to 12, 2025 in Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil and classified as the largest in the sector in Latin America.

The first companies to be sought out by the Mercoagro Commercial Department are those that exhibited in 2023. "After these exhibitors show up, the spaces will be offered to the companies that form the waiting list", explains the general coordinator of Mercoagro 2025, Nadir José Cervelin.

"We suggest that companies express interest immediately, reserve the space they want and sign the contract as soon as possible because, traditionally, we have a long waiting list", advised the coordinator.

The sales of the stands are coordinated by Lisandra Cansian (49-98407-7007) and Salete Pukar (11-99685-5386), with whom exhibitors must maintain contact.

The forecast for 2025 is to bring together 250 exhibitors (representing around 700 brands) and attract an audience of 25,000 visitors/buyers. Businesses closed or forwarded during the fair will reach USD 250 million.

Sales will be completed this semester. A survey carried out last September revealed that 96% of exhibitors intend to renew for the next edition and 90% did business within or above expectations. In the thirteen previous editions there were waiting lists, so the coordination is managing with the Chapecó Public Administration the expansion and improvement of the Exhibition Park, where the Mercoagro Dr. Valmor Ernesto Lunardi Complex is located.

"Our commitment is to improve the fair with each edition to intensify the visitor experience and expand exhibitors' business. Therefore, the list of requirements increases every year", he explained. General coordinator Nadir Cervelin began an intensive schedule of meetings to diagnose and forward solutions related to all aspects of Mercoagro 2025.


Mercoagro – which will arrive in its fourteenth edition in 2025 – has distinguished itself internationally as a competent universal showcase of the global animal protein industry.

The International Meat Business, Processing and Industrialization Fair (Mercoagro) brings together manufacturing and/or supplier companies in the refrigeration and freezing sectors, industrial automation and robotization systems, ingredients and additives, packaging and casings, transport and storage, industrial equipment and accessories, engineering projects and specialized consultancies, among other products and services to serve the meat industry.

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